Draws a given number of consecutive 2x4-bytes tiles of a tilemap as a row.
C Definition
void cpct_etm_drawTileRow2x4 (u8 numtiles, void* pvideomem, const void* ptilemap_row) __z88dk_callee;
Input Parameters (5 bytes)
(1B B) numtiles | Number of tiles from the tilemap to draw in a row |
(2B DE’) pvideomem | Pointer to the video memory byte where to draw the tile row |
(2B HL) ptilemap_row | Pointer to the first tile from the tilemap that we want to draw |
Assembly call (Input parameters on registers)
call cpct_etm_drawTileRow_asm
This function requires parameters divided into the 2 sets of registers of the Z80. 2 parameters must be on the alternate register set, while 1 has to be on the main register set. An example call to this function will be:
ld hl, #ptilemap_row ;; HL points to the first tile from the tilemap we want to draw
exx ;; Change to the alternate register set
ld b, #row_width ;; B' holds the number of tiles to draw from the tilemap
ld de, #pvideomem ;; DE points to the place on video memory where we are going to draw
exx ;; Return to the main register set (Very important to do this!)
call cpct_etm_drawTileRow_asm ;; Finally, call the function
Parameter Restrictions
- ptilemap_row and pvideomem could be any 16-bits value, representing the memory addresses where the first tile to be drawn is and the location on the video memory where to draw the row, respectively. This does not do any check on these parameters and, if they are badly provided, the result is undefined (most likely a crash or rubbish on the screen).
- ptilemap_row should point to a tile index inside a tilemap (a 2D matrix of 8-bit tile indexes). The tile pointed and next numtiles consecutive ones should all be valid tile indexes from the tilemap. Otherwise, undefined results may happen (most likely rubbish or incoherent tiles on the screen).
- pvideomem must point to a valid pixel line (0 to 4) for from video memory or from a backbuffer. To know which pixel lines are considered 0 to 4 you may have a look at cpct_drawSprite documentation.
- numtiles is expected to be the number of tiles to draw. There is no restriction on the number and, again, the function does not do any kind of check. Providing a number of tiles greater than the tiles available in the row or greater than the space for tiles available on the screen will usually lead to graphical glitches (displaced tiles), rubbish on the screen and, occasionally a crash.
Known limitations
- This function does not do any kind of check on the parameters. It is up to the programmer to provide correct values for them.
- This function will not properly work if cpct_etm_setTileset2x4 has not been called previously, as the tileset pointer will not have been set.
- This function only draws 8-bytes tiles of size 2x4 (in bytes). It uses cpct_drawTileAligned2x4_f (assembly bindings), so this function will be included in the code and called.
- This function will not work from ROM, as it uses self-modifying code.
- Under hardware scroll conditions, tile drawing will fail if asked to draw near 0x?7FF or 0x?FFF addresses (at the end of each one of the 8 pixel lines), as next screen byte at that locations is -0x7FF and not +1 bytes away.
This function draws a screen row of tiles coming from a tilemap definition. The function walks through the tilemap retrieving tile indexes one by one, getting pointers to the tiles from the default tileset, using tile indexes, and calling cpct_drawTileAligned2x4_f for each tile.
The function needs the tileset to have been previously set, which can be done by calling cpct_etm_setTileset2x4. If this has not been done when cpct_etm_drawTileRow2x4 is called, then NULL (0x0000) is used as pointer to the tileset, yielding unexpected results.
Destroyed Register values
AF, B, HL AF’, BC’, DE’, HL’
Required memory
33 bytes (+ 33 bytes from cpct_drawTileAligned2x4_f)
Time Measures
Case | microSecs (us) | CPU Cycles
Any | 21 + 103W | 84 + 412W
ASM Saving | -19 | -76
W | Map width (number of horizontal tiles) |