
Calculates next 32-bits pseudo-random number in Marsaglia’s XOR-shift 8-9-23 sequence.

C Definition

u32 cpct_nextRandom_mxor_u32 (u32 seed) __z88dk_fastcall;

Input Parameters (4 bytes)

(4B DE:HL) *seed*Number that the XOR-shift algorithm will use to calculate its pseudo-random follower on the sequence.

Assembly call (Input parameter on DE:HL)

call cpct_nextRandom_mxor_u32_asm

Parameter Restrictions

  • seed could be any 32-bits number except 0.  A 0 as input will always produce another 0 as output.

Known limitations

  • Marsaglia’s XOR-shift algorithm will never produce a 32-bits 0 value as output.  However, when used to produce 8/16-bits values, 0’s will be generated.

Important details

  • This function calculates next value in a 32-bits sequence that goes over all 32-bits possible values except 0.  Therefore, it has a repeating period of (2^32)-1.  The walk this function does has a high pseudo-random quality: it passes most Diehard tests


This function implements a sequence of 32-bits values with period (2^32)-1.  This means that it produces consecutive 32-bits values that do not repeat until 4.294.967.295 numbers have been generated.  To do this, the function receives a 32-bit value as parameter (that should be different from 0) and returns the next 32-bit value in the sequence.

The sequence calculated by this function is based on Marsaglia’s XOR-shift generator using the tuple (8, 9, 23) whose implementation is fast on a Z80 (as suggested by Z88DK developers).  The algorithm performs these 3 consecutive operations on the given number (seed):

seed ^= seed << 8
seed ^= seed >> 9
seed ^= seed << 23

This operations are performed in an optimized fashion.  To better understand optimizations performed and their meaning, it is important to visualize these 3 operations:

              [  d   ][  e   ][  h   ][  l   ]
1) XOR        [  e   ][  h   ][  l   ]          ==> Produces d', e', h'
2) XOR                 [  d'  ][  e'  ][  h'  ] ==> Produces h'', l'' (Check notes on e'')
3) XOR [  h'' ][  l'  ]                         ==> Produces d'', e''
Result        [  d'' ][  e'' ][  h'' ][  l'  ]

It is important to notice that e’’ is not calculated on operation 2.  The implementation uses registers b and c as intermediate buffers and that lets us combine operations 2 & 3 in a single operation to directly calculate final value for register e, that will be e’’.

Destroyed Register values


Required memory

35 bytes

Time Measures

   Case     | microSecs (us) | CPU Cycles
   Any      |      37        |    148


unsigned long (u32 = unsigned 32-bits, 4 bytes)
Calculates next 32-bits pseudo-random number in Marsaglia’s XOR-shift 8-9-23 sequence.