
Draws sprites blending them with current contents of screen video memory.  It uses XOR by default, but many other blending modes are available.

C Definition

void cpct_drawSpriteBlended (void* memory, u8 height, u8 width, void* sprite) __z88dk_callee;

Input Parameters (6 bytes)

(2B DE) memoryDestination video memory pointer
(1B C ) heightSprite Height in bytes (>0)
(1B B ) widthSprite Width in bytes (>0) (Beware, not in pixels!)
(2B HL) spriteSource Sprite Pointer (array with pixel data)

Assembly call (Input parameters on registers)

call cpct_drawSpriteBlended_asm

Parameter Restrictions

  • sprite must be an array containing sprite’s pixels data in screen pixel format Sprite must be rectangular and all bytes in the array must be consecutive pixels, starting from top-left corner and going left-to-right, top-to-bottom down to the bottom-right corner.  Total amount of bytes in pixel array should be width x height You may check screen pixel format for mode 0 (cpct_px2byteM0) and mode 1 (cpct_px2byteM1) as for mode 2 is linear (1 bit = 1 pixel).
  • height must be the height of the sprite in bytes, and must be greater than 0.  There is no practical upper limit to this value.  Height of a sprite in bytes and pixels is the same value, as bytes only group consecutive pixels in the horizontal space.
  • width must be the width of the sprite in bytes and must be 1 or more.  Using 0 as width parameter for this function could potentially make the program hang or crash.  Always remember that the width must be expressed in bytes and not in pixels.  The correspondence is:
mode 01 byte = 2 pixels
modes 1 / 31 byte = 4 pixels
mode 21 byte = 8 pixels
  • memory could be any place in memory, inside or outside current video memory.  It will be equally treated as video memory (taking into account CPC’s video memory layout).  This lets you copy sprites to software or hardware backbuffers, and not only video memory.

Known limitations

  • This function could be used from ROM, but it will only perform a XOR blending operation.  Blending operation will not be possible to change on ROM, as it requires to change a byte of the code.  That can only be performed when this function is on RAM.
  • This function does not do any kind of boundary check or clipping.  If you try to draw sprites on the frontier of your video memory or screen buffer if might potentially overwrite memory locations beyond boundaries.  This could cause your program to behave erratically, hang or crash.  Always take the necessary steps to guarantee that you are drawing inside screen or buffer boundaries.
  • As this function receives a byte-pointer to memory, it can only draw byte-sized and byte-aligned sprites.  This means that the box cannot start on non-byte aligned pixels (like odd-pixels, for instance) and their sizes must be a multiple of a byte (2 in mode 0, 4 in mode 1 and 8 in mode 2).

Blending modes

This function performs, by default, a XOR blending operation.  However, This function can perform many blending operations.  Consult all available blending modes at CPCT_BlendMode documentation.

Standard modes included: XOR (default), OR, AND, ADD, ADC, SUB, SBC, LDI and NOT.


This function blends a generic WxH bytes sprite from memory to a video-memory location (either present video-memory or software / hardware backbuffer).  It performs similar to cpct_drawSprite but instead of copying bytes and overwrite video-memory, it blends them with present contents of video-memory destination (background).

The process is as follows.  The function gets 1 byte from the destination video-memory and 1 byte from the sprite.  It then performs a blending operation between both bytes and stores the result in the same place where it got the byte from video memory.  The process is repeated for every byte from the sprite.

The blending operation that this function performs is selectable.  By default, this operation will be a XOR between both bytes.  To select a different operation mode, the function cpct_setBlendMode should be called.

Use examples

This function may be used directly to draw a sprite in video-memory:

// This function will draw the sprite of the main Character
void drawCharacterSprite(u8 x, u8 y) {
   // First, calculate video-memory location of the (x,y)
   // coordinates where the character is located
   u8 *pmem = cpct_getScreenPtr(CPCT_VMEM_START, x, y);

   // Then, draw the sprite, blending it with the background
   cpct_drawSpriteBlended(pmem, 24, 8, sprite);

Previous function drawCharacterSprite could also be used to erase the sprite, leaving video-memory as it was before drawing the sprite, if the selected blending mode is XOR.  Calling the function again with same coordinates will do the trick, as M XOR S XOR S = M (Doing a double XOR operation to any (M)emory byte against any (S)prite byte will leave M untouched).

This function could even be used as a normal drawSprite function without width limits (as cpct_drawSprite cannot draw sprites wider than 63 bytes).  This can be performed using the LDI mode:

// Draw the user interface of the application, that is composed
// of several sprites
void drawUserInterface() {
   // First, select LDI as blending mode for cpct_drawSpriteBlended

   // Now print all sprites of the UI at their pre-calculated locations
   // Note: assume *LOCATION macros are just absolute video-memory addresses
   cpct_drawSpriteBlended(                 VMEM, 80, 200, background);
   cpct_drawSpriteBlended(  SCOREBOARD_LOCATION, 80,  20, score_board);
   cpct_drawSpriteBlended( LEFT_COLUMN_LOCATION, 10, 100, left_column);
   cpct_drawSpriteBlended(RIGHT_COLUMN_LOCATION, 10, 100, right_column);

Destroyed Register values


Required memory

C-bindings43 bytes
ASM-bindings39 bytes

Time Measures

 Case         |      microSecs (us)       |         CPU Cycles          |
 Best         | 32 + 21H + (12+B)WH + 10J | 128 + 84H + (48+4B)WH + 40J |
 Worst        |         Best + 10         |         Best + 40           |
 W=2,H=16,B=2 |        826 /  836         |        3304 /  3344         |
 W=4,H=32,B=2 |       2526 / 2536         |       10104 / 10144         |
 Asm saving   |          -15              |            -60              |

W = width in bytes, H = height in bytes

B = Blend operation nanoseconds, WH = W * H, J = [(H-1)/8]

Standard Blend operations take 2 nanoseconds except NOP and LDI, which take 1

Draws sprites blending them with current contents of screen video memory.
unsigned char (u8 = unsigned 8-bits, 1 byte )
Transforms 2 pixel colour values [0-15] into a byte value in the video memory pixel format for Mode 0.
Transforms 4 pixel colour values [0-3] into a byte value in the video memory pixel format for Mode 1.
Enumerates all blending modes for cpct_drawSpriteBlended.
Copies a sprite from an array to video memory (or to a screen buffer).
Establishes the blending mode that cpct_drawSpriteBlended will use from now on.